Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I track my order?

Yes, you can! Once your order is shipped, you will receive an email containing tracking information. This will allow you to monitor your package as it travels to your destination. If you have any questions about tracking your order, please contact our customer service team for assistance.

How do I know if a specific product is in stock?

Our website displays available products. If a product is out of stock, it will not appear on the site. However, you can sign up to receive an email notification when the product is back in stock.

How can I pay for my order?

We accept major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express, as well as Apple Pay. To pay for your order, add the items to your cart and proceed to checkout. Select your preferred payment method and complete your order. If you have any questions or concerns about payment options, please contact our customer service team for assistance.

What is your shipping policy and how long does it take to receive my order?

Our shipping policy varies based on your location and the product(s) ordered. For estimated shipping times and rates, please visit our Shipping Policy page or contact our customer service team. Typically, orders are delivered within 5-8 business days after shipping.

Do you offer discounts for bulk purchases or for customers in specific industries (e.g., military, first responders)?

Yes, we offer discounts for bulk orders and special pricing for certain industries. Please contact our sales team for more information.

What happens if my package is lost or damaged during shipping?

If your package is lost or damaged during shipping, please contact our customer service team immediately. We will work with you to resolve the issue by either replacing your order or issuing a refund.

How can I change something in my order?

To make changes to your order, please contact our customer service team as soon as possible. We will do our best to accommodate your request. However, if your order has already shipped, changes may not be possible. In such cases, you may need to return the item for a refund or exchange. For changes, email us at contact@tawnix.com or call us at (706) 681 88 50

What is your policy on returns and exchanges?

Our returns and exchanges policy allows you to return unused items within 30 days of purchase for a full refund. For more information, please see our Returns Policy page.

What security measures do you have in place to protect my personal information?

We prioritize the security of our customers' personal information. We use encryption technologies, firewalls, and other security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

Do you offer any warranties or guarantees on your products?

Some of our products come with manufacturer warranties or guarantees. This information is provided on the product page. If you have any questions or concerns about the warranty or guarantee for a specific product, please contact our customer service team for assistance.

24/7 Customer Support

For any inquiries or assistance, please reach out to us:

Email: contact@tawnix.com
Phone: (706) 681 88 50